Germany's Civil Society Alliance for Climate Justice
Who we are
Climate Alliance Germany is Germany’s broad civil society alliance for climate justice. We count more than 150 organisations from the fields of environment, church and other religious groups, development, education, culture, health, consumer protection, youth, trade unions, and social welfare. Together we show that climate action is a priority for the whole of society. We advocate for ambitious and socially just climate policies at the local, national, European and global level. Our member organisations comprise around 32 million individual members in Germany, making Climate Alliance Germany the largest civil society coalition for the climate in the country.
We are a non-profit registered association and a member of Climate Action Network Europe. We receive funding from our members, project funds and funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Click here for a list of our members, or visit our members map.
What we stand for
We don’t give up in our fight for a better world! We call on the German government to implement the resolutions of the Paris Agreement domestically, and to promote its implementation worldwide. Though Germany is one of the historical main contributors to the climate crisis, Germany’s current Climate Protection Law does not bring the country on a path to keep global heating below 1.5 degrees Celsius. We ask the German government to sharpen existing legislation, so the country becomes climate neutral well before 2045, ideally by 2040.

But more ambitious climate goals are not enough. Germany must rapidly phase-out of fossil fuels and quickly expand the use of renewable energies. We call for immediate transformative programmes to achieve decarbonisation in all sectors of the German economy. These must be supported by effective energy efficiency and energy saving measures. We promote sustainable consumption and a resource-conserving circular economy.
In times of worsening economic inequality, all climate measures must be reviewed regarding their social impact and be designed in a socially equitable manner. CO2 pricing for example must provide a clear steering effect for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but be accompanied by a fair instrument for redistribution to the population. We demand the German government take the concerns of the employees and the affected regions seriously. We need a gender and generationally just and inclusive design of economic and social development that addresses all inequalities and enables participation, achieving a just society. The transformation of the energy and industry sectors must enable people to earn a good income and participate in society.
At the international level, Germany must make its appropriate contribution to containing the climate crisis. This includes supporting particularly affected states and communities in climate protection measures and adaptation to climate change. Climate financing must be significantly expanded, and additional funding for climate-related loss and damage is crucial. What do we want? Climate justice!
What we do
Since our foundation in 2007, we and our members have made a real difference to climate action and climate justice in German politics and society.
We have successfully lobbied the German government to instate a Climate Protection Law and continue to monitor its implementation. We commission studies and provide proposals for solutions on how Germany can achieve climate neutrality. We meet political representatives of all democratic parties and hold them to account through our public events and our press work. We inform the public about climate policy and regularly mobilise for demonstrations with activist groups such as Fridays for Future.

Here are a few examples of our regular activities:
- At key moments throughout the year, we convene the Berlin Climate Talks, where we get together with high-level politicians and civil society to discuss political issues of the day.
- We host the annual event German Climate Day, where representatives from German politics and civil society discuss how to achieve climate neutrality.
- In the run-up to the federal elections 2021, we launched the website Klimawahlcheck together with members and partners. Eligible voters could take a close look at the climate pledges of the major parties and find out where to put their cross for climate action. Stay tuned for the next round!
How we work
Our team works across multiple sectors: the phase-out of fossil fuels and the expansion of renewables; the use of green hydrogen; local climate protection strategies; transport; social justice; and European and international climate policy.
Our Speakers’ Council provides strategic direction for all activities of Climate Alliance Germany. It currently comprises ten representatives of member organisations and reflects the breadth of the alliance. The plenary, consisting of all members, meets twice a year and elects our speakers for a duration of three years. These are our current speakers.
Our secretariat, led by Executive Director Dr. Christiane Averbeck, is based in Berlin and Cologne. Meet the team.

Dr. Christiane Averbeck
Executive Director
Klima-Allianz Deutschland e.V.
(Climate Alliance Germany)
+49 30 780 899 510

Lisa Jörke
Officer for European and International Climate Policy
Klima-Allianz Deutschland e.V.
(Climate Alliance Germany)
+49 30 780 899 523

Julia Riley-Dittmann
Press and Public Relations Officer
Klima-Allianz Deutschland e.V.
(Climate Alliance Germany)
+49 30 780 899 514
+49 172 298 4269
Our members work on climate issues in a variety of areas, all over Germany. See this map for locations, areas of work, exciting climate projects and more. Learn more...